
Best Email Marketing Tips for Beginners 

Most email users look through their inboxes daily and see all kinds of messages from family, friends, clients, and of course, even businesses. Email marketing has become one of the leading ways for companies to communicate with their customers.  

Whether you’re a small or large-sized company, it’s important to know how you can take advantage of digital marketing strategies to grow a larger reach. In this article, you’ll learn about the basics of email marketing, its benefits, real-world examples, and essential tips that you can apply to your next marketing strategy.  

Person looking through his emails

What is Email Marketing: Benefits and Examples  

Email marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing nowadays. Businesses compile a contact list to send regular emails about promotions, new products, discounts, and more.  

Although it’s a new form of marketing, email marketing proves to be beneficial to companies. It is an effective marketing strategy, especially in increasing brand awareness, nurturing customer relationships, and generating website traffic. Based on a Marketing Trends survey, about 51% of businesses said that email marketing is the most effective marketing method.  

More than that, email marketing is also cost-effective compared to traditional advertisements where businesses have to pay to be promoted. Traditional marketing means having to produce a commercial to be shown on television or having a billboard by the highway. Now more than ever, marketing is attainable even for small to medium businesses without having to spend too much.  

Besides that, email marketing helps keep customers engaged and updated on your latest releases and news. It’s also an opportunity to have a larger reach and tap into potential customers. In fact, about 87% of marketers said that email marketing is important for business success, according to Invoca.  

Inbox with marketing emails

One of the companies that take advantage of a good email marketing strategy is Glossier. It’s a well-known brand in the beauty industry and a part of it is thanks to its effective email marketing. The company remains true to its brand philosophy even in its emails by remaining consistent on its promotions, abandoned carts, and regular sales reminders to its subscribers. 

Another company that does well in email marketing strategies is Netflix, especially when it comes to promoting upcoming shows and movies. Netflix ensures to send personalized emails with show and movie suggestions targeted for the user based on their watch history and previous ratings.  

8 Email Marketing Tips to Remember  

Email marketing will be an important and useful marketing strategy for your business. Doing an email marketing campaign involves patience and dedication before you see results. However, if applied correctly, email marketing will surely be beneficial for the growth of your business.  

Here are some email marketing tips that you should keep in mind as you work on your next campaign.  

Segment your audience  

Segment your audience based on personal, demographic, geographical, and behavioral data to deliver content that’s more personalized and tailored to your subscribers. Based on a study by HubSpot, they found that segmented emails have 30% higher open rates and 50% more click throughs.  

Besides increasing your customer engagement, it can also improve your conversion rates. When you give the perception of knowing your target audience through personalized emails, you develop a closer relationship with clients, and they’re more likely to follow your call-to-action button. 

Come up with engaging subject lines 

Write subject lines that are engaging and will capture the customer’s attention. The subject line of your email can establish whether your customers will even open the email. If they find it interesting, then it’s more likely for them to read through your email.  

An engaging subject line can be a reference to something trending or a statement about their latest activity on your website.  

Test and optimize your content 

Practice A/B testing or sending different variations of the email campaign to see which is the most effective for your customers. It’s also important that you take notes of your observations and apply them to your future content.  

Your target audience is always evolving and it’s good to identify what performs better for them. There are different elements that can affect the open rate, such as: 

  • Subject line 
  • Images 
  • Layout and design  
  • Date and time of sending the email  
  • Message preview 

Take advantage of offers and promotions  

Offers and promotions are effective ways to increase sign-ups or customer engagement. More than that, you should make sure to emphasize call-to-action buttons, so your customers know what to do next.  

One of the most popular offers is the welcome discount for newly signed-up customers. This usually brings in a new wave of customers and affects the conversion rate. You can also consider limited-time discounts, free shipping for a minimum amount, and more.  

Keep your emails mobile-friendly 

Nowadays, customers mostly read their emails through their smartphones, that’s why it’s important to keep your emails mobile-friendly. There are more people with phones than computers. As a matter of fact, about 46% of marketing emails were opened on a smartphone, based on a 2022 study.  

Here are some tips to keep your emails mobile-friendly: 

  • Optimized images and media  
  • Accessibility of CTA buttons  
  • Link accessibility  
  • Concise content  
  • Design is responsive 

Use email marketing platforms  

There are email marketing platforms that can make your email marketing campaigns more manageable. Different email marketing tools offer a specific feature, depending on what you’re looking for.  

These are some features of email marketing platforms: 

  • Automation  
  • Audience segmentation  
  • Email templates and customization  
  • Analytics and reports 
  • Built-in customer relationship management or CRM 

Some of the most popular tools include Klaviyo, Mailchimp, and Campaign Monitor. There are different email marketing tools in the market, and you’ll surely find the right one that fits your needs.  

Email marketing is constantly advancing, especially when it comes to trends. What was once effective in the early days of email marketing, may not be as effective now. Besides that, you’ll need to keep up with the trends to capture the attention of your audience and ensure that they click your email and not someone else’s.  

The latest email marketing trends include: 

  • Email Authentication 
  • Interactive email experience through widgets, real-time updates, and gaming elements 
  • Minimalistic designs  
  • Customer data platform (CDP) 

Know the right time to send emails 

Figure out whether it’s better to send marketing emails on weekdays or weekends and whether the frequency should be once a week or once a month. The timing of sending marketing emails can also affect whether your customers will click on the email or not.  

When you send your emails when your customers are active, then it’s more likely for them to interact with your email and visit your webpage. At the same time, your customers live in different countries with different time zones, so you must pinpoint the most optimal time that fits all.  

Infographic of email marketing tips

In Conclusion… 

Email marketing is a useful and effective marketing strategy, especially when performed correctly. It’s also currently the best way to communicate better with your customers and build a closer relationship with them. Through email marketing, you get to know your customers better and find out their interests to better cater to their needs.  


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